Burr Coffee Grinder


One of the most important factors in making great coffee is grinding the beans just before brewing the coffee. But, you need to make sure that your coffee beans are properly ground to the correct coarseness for the coffee maker and that the beans are not burned during the grinding process. This is why having … Read more

Turkish Coffee

Turkish Coffee is a thick and strong unfiltered coffee that is traditionally brewed in an ibrik (a small coffee pot) or cezve (a long-handled, open, brass or copper pot). But, a small pot will work fine. Since this is unfiltered, the coffee needs to have a very fine grind. The coffee is combined with sugar … Read more

Oliang (Thai Iced Coffee)

Popular in Thailand, an Oliang Powder is a blend of coffee and ingredients such as corn, soy beans, and sesame seeds. It is traditionally brewed by using a “tung tom kah fe”. This is a metal ring with a handle and a cloth bag attached. The coffee is put into the cloth bag and hot … Read more


A Cortado is a coffee drink that combines espresso and steamed milk. It is popular in Spain and Portugal, as well as throughout Latin America and Cuba, as an afternoon drink. It is similar to a café macchiato except that the Cortado has an equal espresso to steamed milk ratio and the macchiato has foam milk … Read more

Best French Press Coffee Makers


French Press coffee is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to brew coffee and is very popular world-wide. The French press is also known as a cafetiere or coffee press. It is very simple in design containing a cylinder-shaped beaker and a plunger. The beaker can be made of various materials, but glass … Read more

Espresso Americano

An Americano (aka Café Americano) consists of a single or double-shot of espresso combined with hot water in a two-demitasse cup. The strength of an Americano varies with the number of shots of espresso and water added and can be adjusted based on the persons taste. The drink is believed to have been created in … Read more

Studies Show Numerous Health Benefits of Coffee


For many people, a cup of coffee is a good perk-me-up drink that is typically drank in the morning and something for that quick jolt in the afternoon. But, many people don’t know that coffee is a drink that is being found to have numerous health benefits. Numerous studies involving millions of people are coming … Read more

Best Drip Coffee Maker


Automatic drip coffee makers are very common throughout America where they prefer speed and easy to use machines that are very affordable. Overall, the basics on how a drip coffee maker works is simple. You place your ground coffee into a compartment that contains a filter. You add water into a reservoir and then you … Read more

How to Choose Espresso Coffee Beans

How to Choose Espresso Coffee Beans Like any type of food, you need good ingredients to make a good meal and you need good espresso coffee beans to make good espresso. Even if you have the very best espresso machine on the market, if you have a low-quality bean, you will get a low-quality espresso. … Read more

How to Make a Cuban Espresso at Home

A cuban espresso (also known as Cuban Coffee) is a traditional Cuban espresso drink, which is sweetened with brown sugar while the coffee is brewed. It is a prominent drink in Cuban cafes and also at various social events among Cubans. If prepared properly, it creates an attractive looking drink with a light brown foam … Read more