What Is a Long Black?

If you’re just getting into coffee, or even if you’ve been enamored of it for awhile, you may have never even heard of a long black. They’re not common in North America, or even much in Europe, but if you head south of the equator to Australia and New Zealand, you’d be hard-pressed to find … Read more

Coffee Histamine Levels (+ Low Histamine Coffee Options)

Histamine is a biogenic amine found in abundance in our bodies, as well as a number of foods, most notably fermented foods like red wine and green tea. It’s inflammatory, released by the immune system’s mast cells in response to a perceived allergen but it’s not very abundance in coffee beans. So can I drink … Read more

How to Store Coffee Beans

If you’re looking to maximize the flavor of your coffee, the best way is to use it within 10 days of roasting, making sure to grind it just prior to brewing. But then you’ll need to find a way to store unused coffee beans (or ground coffee) while you’re using them up, and that’s where … Read more

Simple Café con Hielo Recipe

The café con hielo (“coffee with ice”) is a summertime iced coffee drink from Spain. Generally a cafe con hielo consists of either a pour over coffee or a double shot of espresso served alongside a tall glass of ice. After being served, the person can add sugar to the coffee to dissolve it, and … Read more

How to Froth and Steam Milk

If you are looking to make a drink such as a latte or a cappuccino, you will need to know how to steam and/or froth milk. Doing this is not simple at first. But, once you get down some key steps in the process you’ll not only be able to make a drink that is … Read more

Cups and Mugs

If you enjoy different coffee drinks and you want to make a great presentation of your creations to family and friends, having the right glass, cup, or mug will make a big difference. Not all drinks will use the same cup. If you have a 1 ½ ounce espresso, you don’t want to use a … Read more

Iced coffee


Iced coffee is not just ice in coffee. It can be a delicious creamy drink that is a perfect summertime afternoon pick-me-up. Many people think that making iced coffee is simply brewing some coffee and then pouring it over ice in a glass. Although this can be done, it produces a watered down coffee. If … Read more

Café Crema


Café Crema is similar to a long espresso drink except it has twice the amount of water and resembles an American Black Coffee. This drink is primarily served in southern Switzerland and Austria and northern Italy. The grind of the beans will be coarser which allows more water to flow through. A Café Crema will be from 6 … Read more



A ristretto is a concentrated espresso shot where there is less water in the coffee than an espresso. This is done by grinding the coffee finer than an espresso. By having the coffee ground finer, less water will be able to go through. The amount of time to “pull” the coffee is the same as … Read more